Two Scientific Entrepreneurs from Medellín Recognized at LIF 2024 for Excellence in Engineering

By Ruta N -
Grupo de personas sonrientes en un evento formal, con un ambiente festivo y una ventana de vitral al fondo.

The United Kingdom's Royal Academy of Engineering awarded the startups Humans 3D and Matt Movilidad in the categories of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Best Presentation, respectively, with £8,000 each, which they will receive in cash and advisory support.


The winners are among eleven scientific entrepreneurs supported by the Medellín District and Ruta N who participated in the tenth edition of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowship (LIF) program, organized by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the UK Embassy in Colombia. The eleven participants competed against 69 participants worldwide. Out of this group, five reached the final, with two emerging as winners.


“We have been the national partner of LIF for nine consecutive editions, supporting 106 scientific and technological entrepreneurs across Colombia in strengthening their initiatives. These have generated over 400 jobs, 25 new businesses, and more than 60 intellectual property registrations, contributing to solutions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Carolina Londoño, Executive Director of Ruta N.


The purpose is to foster entrepreneurial skills in researchers and innovators from developing countries, connecting their technologies with global challenges and creating sustainable business models.

“London and Oxford are powerful ecosystems to network, learn, and immerse oneself in opportunities. Personally, this experience greatly reinforced my belief that what we are doing has a global impact and can become a scalable solution for any country worldwide to improve the lives of individuals, families, and entire communities,” said Martín Londoño, entrepreneur at Matt Movilidad.


During their visit to London, they learned about the importance of research and technological development as primary enablers of innovation. They also connected with global networks of innovators and analyzed data and technology trends. The program included tours of key locations in the innovation ecosystems of Oxford and London, such as business incubators, Saïd Business School, Mary Ward House, Red Bull Engineering Center, and the Royal Academy of Engineering.


The program’s 2024 graduation ceremony was held at the Royal Academy of Engineering, where participants presented their initiatives to commercialize their innovations and grow their businesses. Ruta N’s involvement in these programs is essential for acquiring specialized skills in knowledge, technology commercialization, high-impact entrepreneurship, and establishing a cooperative relationship between Medellín and the United Kingdom, Europe, and the world.


The products and services of Humanos 3D provide accessibility for people in remote areas of the country affected by violence or for those simply seeking an upper limb prosthesis to enable them to resume their daily activities. Meanwhile, Matt Movilidad developed an electric traction device for wheelchairs designed to improve users' daily lives, offering independence and mobility through its long-lasting battery.


This system not only facilitates movement but also opens new employment and social opportunities. For information on the next edition of the LIF program, starting on August 13, visit

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