Step 1: Observe

By Ruta N -
Perspectiva visual de luces doradas suspendidas en patrones lineales, creando un efecto de profundidad y movimiento hacia el horizonte. La imagen evoca una escena futurista o digital, con luces alineadas en múltiples direcciones que convergen hacia un punto central brillante.

In the world of innovation and entrepreneurship, we are always in search of tools and solutions that can help us develop new products, optimize processes, or generally solve a problem.


Falling in love with the problem rather than the solution is one of the guiding principles that helps us better understand the reality of a territory, specific social dynamics, and allows us to identify both gaps and opportunities. This approach can even lead us to rethink the solution itself, as without a deep understanding of the issue, we might only be seeing part of what is truly needed.


Understanding the city, its characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, sectors with potential, and all types of information that deepen these aspects, play a fundamental role in reaching effective solutions and opportunities in all areas.


Existing information is the starting point for the major changes we seek as a society. That is why, for several years, Medellín has had a CTi Observatory, which helps us to clearly identify the areas in which the city has high potential.


There are 370 opportunity areas in 74 different topics, which are categorized into 13 sectors, such as health, energy, the Internet of Things, blockchain, nanotechnology, virtual reality, and more. These findings have two characteristics: on one hand, they align with global trends, and on the other hand, they represent challenges that our city is ready to take on.


Now more than ever, we have the power to transform Medellín thanks to access to information and tools like these to guide decision-making.


This text was originally published in the March 28, 2022 edition of the ADN newspaper.

Grupos de investigación Estudiantes Empresarias y empresarios Emprendedores y emprendedoras Inversionista

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