Technology and Collaboration

By Ruta N -
Dos mujeres con mascarillas sentadas frente a un portátil Asus, colaborando en un espacio iluminado con vegetación visible a través de una ventana.

The business sector has been interested for several years in implementing strategies based on innovation and new technologies that allow it to be more competitive and sustainable over time. One of the first doubts that arise along the way is whether there is enough knowledge and internal capacity to meet the challenge.


Over the years, companies typically gain a high level of experience in product and service development, but at the same time, there is a noticeable decline in the adoption and appropriation of technology. Many companies fail to perceive all the value that can be generated from this.


According to KPMG's 2021 CEO Outlook survey, 65% of participants believe companies must prioritize investment in new technologies as a growth catalyst, and 81% think new alliances are crucial for digital transformation strategies. In other words, the sum is: technology and collaboration.


One path that has shown significant success is open innovation. It involves a process of openness, seeking outside resources, and understanding multiple options to achieve business goals, thus enabling greater capabilities in the future.


Through this approach, organizations decentralize to connect strategically with startups and other companies, leading to new perspectives on challenges and the appropriation of solutions from other sectors and industries.


In Colombia, organizations are losing their fear of trying and failing, which has made innovation truly permeate all sectors, resulting in globally competitive business models.


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