What is regenerative work and how can it help us return to the office smoothly?

By Ruta N -
Persona de pie sobre una superficie de asfalto, con un dibujo de una carita sonriente dentro de un círculo amarillo y una flecha blanca apuntando hacia la derecha.

Currently, as the pandemic reaches its two-year mark, we’re experiencing a new stage that has reshaped how we interact, move, share, and work. Many employees shifted from traditional offices to working from home. Now, as they return to collaborative workplaces, employers face the challenge of adapting beyond pre-pandemic models.

This is where the concept of a regenerative workplace comes in, focusing on employees’ holistic health and well-being to achieve sustainable performance. Remote work has offered flexibility, revealing that productivity doesn’t require constant presence in the office.

However, remote work has also brought isolation, stress, and blurred boundaries between personal and professional life. Employers now face the task of creating safe, motivating work environments that encourage reconnection.


Principles of Regenerative Work:

  1. Returning to the Office, But Differently
    Offices should be designed with employee needs at the forefront, encouraging collaboration and flexibility, allowing for a mix of independent and in-person work.
  2. Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health Matter
    Companies must adopt a holistic approach to well-being, recognizing the lingering effects of the pandemic on mental and emotional health.
  3. Spaces as Comfortable as Home
    Employers should integrate benefits discovered through remote work, like flexibility in scheduling, personal space, and breaks.

Practice Active Listening
Surveys reveal that employees seek safe workplaces where they can openly discuss mental health. Building trust within teams is essential for recognizing and supporting individual contributions.

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