By Ruta N -When we embark on city projects, long-term plans, and structural change strategies, we run the risk of them becoming mere flag-waving efforts over time. As columnist Juliana Mejía says, "The presence of the state in the territory is not the result of a decree: it is the result of collective construction." I would add the word "permanent" to that.
In other words, there is no way for an institution to achieve everything without the constant integration of the people who inhabit a territory and the continuous invitation to participate. It means generating permanent activities to connect, converse, create, and train.
With this clarity, Medellín decided to create an area that would provide the conditions for the creative and cultural sector to become a key driver of economic growth. Thus began the dream of the Creative District of Perpetuo Socorro, an urban ecosystem based on five principles: inclusion, respect, interdependence, sustainability, and spatial responsibility.
It was there that we created the first alternate office of Ruta N in its history, Ruta Naranja, a place where creativity and culture are promoted as engines of integral development. How can we ensure that this initiative truly brings change to the sector? By not lowering our guard, maintaining a permanent offer.
In just the first half of this year, around 1,500 creatives have participated in various talks, courses, and meetings. 187 have found physical spaces where they can develop their businesses. And all of this is permanent, creating new traditions like the now-typical Thursday Workshops.
So, it's not just about defining a horizon; it requires daily work to get there together.
This text was originally published in the July 18 edition of the ADN newspaper.